$2 Notes

$2 Notes
$2 Notes
Portrait: Thomas Jefferson (3rd President of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence 1801-1809)
Reverse: 1928-1963: Monticello
1976-Present: The Declaration of Independence
Note Class Series Serial Number Signatures Cond. Est. Value (USD$)  
FRN 1995 F 24599268 B Scan Available Mary Ellen Withrow / Robert E. Rubin C.UNC $4.00 Safety Deposit Box
FRN 1976 B 43905329 A Scan Available Francine I. Neff / William E. Simon AU $3.00 Safety Deposit Box
FRN 1976 G 00579057 ✫ Scan Available Francine I. Neff / William E. Simon EF $25.00 Safety Deposit Box Replacement Note
FRN 2003 A L 14622012 A Scan Available Anna Escobedo Cabral / John W. Snow EF $2.00 Safety Deposit Box
USN 1953 C A 78882158 A Scan Available Kathryn O'Hay Granahan / Clarence Douglas Dillon VF $2.00 Safety Deposit Box
FRN 1976 G 55519023 A Scan Available Francine I. Neff / William E. Simon VF $2.00 Safety Deposit Box
FRN 1976 I 00152937 ✫ Scan Available Francine I. Neff / William E. Simon VF $110.00 Safety Deposit Box Replacement Note
USN 1928 F D 58167499 A Scan Available W.A. Julian / John W. Snyder F $6.00 Safety Deposit Box
USN 1928 F D 73414484 A Scan Available W.A. Julian / John W. Snyder F $6.00 Safety Deposit Box
USN 1928 G E 03539890 A Scan Available Georgia Neese Clark / John W. Snyder F $5.00 Safety Deposit Box
USN 1953 A 39360936 A Scan Available Ivy Baker Priest / George M. Humphrey F $3.00 Safety Deposit Box
FRN 1976 J 01177587 A Scan Available Francine I. Neff / William E. Simon F $2.00 Safety Deposit Box
USN 1953 ✫ 00550456 A Scan Available Ivy Baker Priest / George M. Humphrey VG $5.00 Safety Deposit Box Replacement Note
Quantity: 13

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